
Pneumatic ball valve

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Stainless steel pneumatic ball valve Q641F

Date:[2016-10-20]    hits: Stainless steel pneumatic ball valve Q641F

Stainless steel pneumatic ball valve Q641F

Pneumatic ball valve is equipped with pneumatic actuators. Pneumatic actuator execution speed is relatively fast, the fastest switching speed of 0.05 seconds / times, it is also often called pneumatic quick cut off the ball valve. Pneumatic ball valve is usually configured with a variety of accessories, such as solenoid valves, air handling triple pieces, limit switches, positioners, control box, in order to achieve local control and remote centralized control, the control room can control the valve switch , Do not need to go to the scene or high-altitude and dangerous to bring manual control, to a large extent to save the human resources and time and security. Pneumatic ball valve specific categories are: stainless steel pneumatic valve, plastic pneumatic valve, sanitary pneumatic valve, carbon steel pneumatic valve, two pneumatic ball valve, three pneumatic ball valve, four-way pneumatic valve.

English name; pneumatic ball valve

Q41F As the name suggests, the pneumatic valve is coupled with the pneumatic valve actuator. Pneumatic actuator execution speed is relatively fast, the fastest switching speed of 0.05 seconds / times, it is also called pneumatic rapid cut off the ball valve. Pneumatic ball valve is usually configured with a variety of accessories, such as solenoid valves, air handling triple pieces, limit switches, positioners, control box, in order to achieve local control and remote centralized control, the control room can control the valve switch , Do not need to go to the scene or high-altitude and dangerous to bring manual control, to a large extent to save the human resources and time and security.

Development and working principle of pneumatic ball

In this case,

Pneumatic ball valve only need to use pneumatic actuators with gas source rotation 90 degrees of operation and a small turning torque can close tight. The fully equal bore of the valve body provides a very small, straight-through flow path for the medium. Ball valve is usually considered the most suitable for direct opening and closing use. Ball valve is characterized by its compact structure, easy operation and maintenance, suitable for water, solvents, acids and natural gas and other general working medium, but also for poor working conditions of the medium, such as oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, methane and ethylene. Ball valve body can be integrated, it can be combined.

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