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Two - piece stainless steel ball valve Q11F

Date:[2016-10-20]    hits: Two - piece stainless steel ball valve Q11F

Stainless steel two - piece ball valve Q11F

Two - piece ball valve with internal thread

Ball valve and the valve is the same type of valve, the difference in its closure is a sphere, the ball around the centerline of the body for rotation to open, close a valve. Ball valve in the pipeline is mainly used to do cutting, distribution and change the direction of flow of media.

Floating ball valve

: Ball valve ball is floating in the medium under pressure, the ball can produce a certain displacement and pressed on the export side of the sealing surface to ensure that the export side of the seal. Floating ball valve structure is simple, good sealing, but the ball to bear the working medium load all passed to the export ring, so to consider whether the material can withstand the ball ring ball medium work load. This structure is widely used in low pressure ball valve.

Fixed ball valve

: Ball valve ball is fixed, do not move after compression. Fixed ball valve with a floating seat, subject to media pressure, the seat movement, so that the ring pressed on the ball to ensure that the seal. Usually with the ball on the upper and lower shaft with bearings, operating torque is small, suitable for high-pressure and large diameter valves. In order to reduce the operating torque of the ball valve and increase the reliability of the seal, recently appeared to seal the ball valve, both in the sealing surface pressure between the injection of special lubricants to form a layer of oil film, which enhanced the sealing, Operating torque, more suitable for high-pressure large-diameter ball valve.

Elastic ball valve

: The sphere of the ball valve is elastic. Ball and seat seals are made of metal materials, sealing a great pressure to rely on the media itself has been less than the pressure of the sealing requirements, you must exert external force. This valve is suitable for high temperature and high pressure medium. Elastic sphere is in the lower end of the inner wall of the ball to open an elastic groove, and get elastic. When closing the channel, with the stem of the wedge-shaped head so that the ball up and the valve seat pressed to seal. Before turning the ball first release the wedge-shaped head, the ball will be restored to its original shape, so that the ball and the valve seat between a small gap, can reduce the sealing surface friction and operating torque.

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